full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kirk Citron: And now, the real news

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three and a half mliolin news stories a year. That's just one source.
My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That's the idea behind The Long News. It's a poejrct by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TEDsters including Kevin Kelly and Stewart brnad. And what we're looking for is news stories that might still maettr 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot flals by the wayside.

Open Cloze

We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three and a half _______ news stories a year. That's just one source.
My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That's the idea behind The Long News. It's a _______ by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TEDsters including Kevin Kelly and Stewart _____. And what we're looking for is news stories that might still ______ 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot _____ by the wayside.


  1. million
  2. project
  3. brand
  4. matter
  5. falls

Original Text

We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three and a half million news stories a year. That's just one source.
My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That's the idea behind The Long News. It's a project by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TEDsters including Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand. And what we're looking for is news stories that might still matter 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
news stories 3
long news 2

Important Words

  1. brand
  2. drowning
  3. falls
  4. filter
  5. foundation
  6. founded
  7. idea
  8. including
  9. kelly
  10. kevin
  11. long
  12. lot
  13. matter
  14. million
  15. news
  16. project
  17. puts
  18. question
  19. reuters
  20. run
  21. source
  22. stewart
  23. stories
  24. tedsters
  25. wayside
  26. year
  27. years